Tamarack Shores Owner's Association
Tamarack Shores Owners Association email address

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Restrictions for Section 1

Restrictions for Section 2
Architectural Control Committee and duties Architectural Control Committee and duties
Single family residential purposes only Single family residential purposes only
Construction materials and underpinning (skirting) Commercial lots
Height of buildings Restricted lots
Applications for building and improvements Construction materials
Fences Skirting
Building positioning on the lot Height of buildings
Animals Applications for building and improvements
Temporary dwelling and buildings Fences
Mobile home size, appearance, and condition Building positioning on the lot
Camping Animals
Easement restrictions Temporary dwelling and buildings
No outside toilets Mobile home size, appearance, and condition
No septic tank or lines within 10 feet of water lines Utility connections
Annual fees Easement restrictions
Construction time limit No outside toilets
No trash, etc., on lots No septic tank or lines within 10 feet of water lines
Subdividing a lot or using it for access to another lot. Annual fees
  Construction time limit
  No trash, etc., on lots
  Subdividing a lot or using it for access to another lot.